We will be using the "G-tube" as his only feeding source for the next month or so. The goal is to gradually build him up on his oral feedings once he passes the swallow study. We hope that Conner will be able to nurse/bottle-feed exclusively after a few months of having the g-tube. The g-tube will remain in place until after his heart surgery, because he will need a feeding tube again for a bit until is he strong again. It is projected that his heart surgery will be when he is about 6 months old.
Conner is getting so much more facially expressive! It's amazing and wonderful, and just about the cutest thing you could imagine! The past 3 days when I have arrived at Conner's bedside, I put the side of the crib down and put my face right above his and start talking to him. Just in these past couple of days, he has totally started to respond to me through his facial expressions and eye contact and smiling! It's like he really starting to be excited when he see's Paul or I, and it is just so fun! It's amazing the progress he is making. It seems like just 2-3 weeks ago he was still sleeping a lot and just hanging out, and then like boom, all of a sudden he is being awake for a good portion of the day, and being so much more alert and and learing to use his face to express himself. I can hardly believe that Conner is going to be 9 weeks old tomorrow! Happy 9-week Birthday Conner! We love you!!!
oh my gosh he is sooo stinkin cute!! He seriously is...
Hang in there you guys! He seems to be a tough little guy. We are praying for you all! :)
isn't that "overnight" change from sleeping to expressing just WONDERFUL?!?! That was probably my favorite part.
He (and you) continue to be in our prayers. PLEASE let me know if you ever need anything (even just someone to text) my number is eight zero one six seven four five one two zero. ((HUGS))
I am glad that it sounds like he will get the help he needs to be that much closer to coming home. He is looking so chunky in his face I love it! You guys are truly doing so awesome with this situation and I can't wait until he gets to use that cute nursery you guys made for him.
What a handsome devil. Best wishes on the surgery.
Adorable photos of you and your baby! Hope all goes well with the surgery...I'll be thinking of you.
Sending happy thoughts and prayers your way for the surgery! What a cutie!
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