Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Sorry everyone, I should have made this post a few days ago...but Conner's heart surgery was rescheduled to this Friday. The hospital called me a few days ago and told me that they had just admitted 2 babies that both needed heart surgery more urgently than Conner, so they moved him to Friday. Even though it's only 3 days later, I was SO bummed about it. I had been mentally preparing myself and was focused on June 1st being the day that would change fix Conner's heart. I actually cried on the phone when she told me we had to r/s his surgery. But I understand that the other babies need it their surgeries done sooner than Conner. I know it's a good sign that his heart is stable and able to wait longer. I'm very thankful that it is still this week. I would have been totally sad if it was next week or longer. Sorry this update came late!


BECKY said...

Enjoy these days with him! The surgery will come so soon. Hugs.

Jared and Laura said...

I hope all goes well with his surgery. I'll be thinking of you all.

Brittany said...

oh man... well i will pray all goes well! I am thinking of you guys always!

Melissa said...

It is hard when you have worked your self up to be prepared for a certain day and it gets changed on you. And then you are given more time to stress about it. Hope Friday goes smooth!